Friday, June 25, 2010

Walgreens Trip

I rarely go to Walgreens because I never having any luck finding the RR deals. But tonight Gracie Ann and I had to run a few errands so I decided to stop by and see what I could find...I'm glad we stopped...we got some great deals and saved LOTS of money..

Trans #1

ReNu Contact Solution 7.49 Coupon 1.00 = 6.49
Ramen Noodles (filler item) .39
Total 6.88
RR (from last trip) - 6.00
OOP 1.59 Received 7.50 RR

Trans #2

Herbal Essences Shampoo 2.99 coupon 1.00 = 1.99
Ramen Noodles .39
OOP 2.68 Received 2.00 RR

Trans #3

Pullups 11.49 coup 2.00 / Walgreens 2.50 = 6.99
2 Old Spice Body Wash - B1G1 - 4.49
Ramen Noodles (filler item) .39
Total 11.87
RR from trans #1 7.50
RR from trans #2 2.00
OOP 4.02 Received 4.50 RR

Trans #4

24 pack Bottled Water 4.99 Walgreens 2.00 = 2.99
Water Balloons 2.50
Total 5.49
RR fom trans #3 4.50
OOP 1.48

TOTAL OOP 9.77 SAVED 35.48

My little helper had to get in this picture (no she isn't naked, she has on her big girl panties)...

Let me know if you have mastered shopping at Walgreens...and what deals you found...
My best advice ~~check out in the cosmetics dept...super nice cashiers~~


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