Tuesday, June 8, 2010

About Coupon Savvy and Me...

This blog has taken me several months to development...yes I know its a FREE blog and it should not have taken this long. I finally decided that Facebook, Facebook Messaging, and my Facebook Status Updates were getting way out of hand not to mention that my brother and brother in law informed us at lunch this past weekend that we had way to many status updates. Well, actually they said that the "Massey Family Status Updates" took up the entire news feed...per my brother in law "this family is always got new updates" with a chuckle and glare my way at the end. So that gave me the motivation I needed to get the blog started...so here it goes - drum roll please...
the official COUPON SAVVY 101 launch...
I hope this blog helps you to become more familiar with coupons and helps you to understand all the ways that coupons can help you save money whether it be on groceries or family activities. I was so surprised to find out all the coupons available for retail stores, restaurants, hardware stores, musuems, movie theatre, and the list goes on and on...My goal is to make couponing as easy and fun (yes FUN) as possible. I hope to bring you lots of local coupons deals, great grocery and drugstore deals as well as free coupons or samples that I come across...Be patient with me as I get this blog started...it may take me a month or so to get it the way I want and organized the way it needs to be...If you have any suggestions please feel free to send me a message...Thanks for checking out the blog....Happy Couponing!!

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