Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I need more hours in the day...

Have you ever felt like you needed an extra set of hands or more hours in the day? Well that describes the way I felt the last few days...I'm an extremely organized person but that doesn't include my time management. I have a "TO DO" list a mile long and it seems to keep getting longer...

So the reason for my pitty party is that I have neglected adding deals to my blog. I have all these great things saved in my "Add to blog" folder but they haven't made it to the blog. So I have decided for the next 24 hours I will be adding lots of things to the blog no matter what...this means I may be taken over by toys, clothes, dishes, and who knows what else...but thats ok - It Can and Will Wait!! Right?

So keep checking the blog for lots of great deals.

Until next time...


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